Lucky charms and symbols worldwide

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The search for Happiness is a universal aspiration of mankind. How the concept of happiness manifests itself differs in different cultures around the world, but the fact that it is a high and desirable good unites them all. So it is hardly surprising that there are objects and symbols all over the world that are supposed to bring happiness to you and keep it. What people see as Lucky charms and which symbols have a positive connotation for them differs in different cultural areas.

Lucky charm

So that luck is on your side worldwide and you can look out for the symbols and objects wherever you are, we have put together some lucky charms for you here.


Children spend hour after hour searching the meadows for four-leaf clovers after being told that spotting one would bring good luck. The clover with four leaves is extremely rare by nature, so finding one is in itself a symbol of good luck. So if you find one, luck is said to be your constant companion. Also Traveler is supposed to protect the shamrock on its way, traditionally the shamrock was sewn into clothing for this purpose. 

In addition to Germany and Austria the four-leaf clover is used as a lucky charm, especially in Ireland.

The shamrock is also used as a lucky charm for travelers.


Literally translated means Maneiki-neko inviting cat, the symbol is particularly widespread in Japanese culture. In the meantime, the upright sitting Catwhich seems to beckon someone with one of its two front paws, is also known in other regions of the world. 

The shape of the cat figurine itself always remains the same, but what is important is which paw the cat raises and the color of the talisman. White stands for purity, a golden cat is said to attract wealth, a pink one ensures a balanced love life, black cats ward off demons and red ones protect against illness. If the Maneiki-neko waves its right paw, this promises good luck, while the raised left paw is said to attract customers and is therefore often found at the entrance to stores or restaurants.

The Waving Cat (Maneiki-Neko) as a bringer of good luck in Japanese culture.


The custom of the red and white Lucky jewelry is already very old, supposedly dating back to the 7th century. It is customary to give small pendants, bracelets or dolls made from red and white cotton threads to loved ones at the beginning of March. These are then worn as lucky charms for good health and a long life until signs of the coming spring are discovered: a blossoming tree, a swallow in flight or a stork. On April 1st at the latest, however, the bracelet or pendant is taken off and hung on a tree while you make a wish. The Marteniza is mainly given as a gift to people in Bulgaria, Romania and Greece. But Vietnam also has a similar tradition for Luna New Year.

The red and white spring ribbons, shall bring health and a long life.

The watchful eye

Lucky charms are not necessarily defined by the positive things they are supposed to bring about, sometimes the small talismans rather have the function of warding off negative things. This category includes the Nazar amulet, which is mainly used in Greece and Turkey.

It is a dark blue teardrop-shaped glass amulet on which the iris of the eye is imitated, the characteristic colors are black for the pupil surrounded by light blue and white.

The amulet is intended to ward off evil eyes and thus protect the wearer. It is often attached to children's clothing to protect them from evil. However, the amulet is also said to have the power to protect places, which is why the watchful eye can be found at entrances or in cars. 

As the amulet is usually made of glass, there is of course a risk that it will break. However, this is not a bad thing - if it breaks, the eye has done its job and warded off evil eyes and can be safely replaced with a new one. 

The Nazar amulet wards off the evil eye.

Red footprints

Other lucky charms, on the other hand, are not meant to be taken with you, on the contrary, they are not mobile. In India, many houses have small red footprints can be found on the doorsteps. These are the footprints of the goddess Lakshmi. She is the goddess of happiness and her footprints bring happiness into the house and welcome visitors. 

The goddess almost has luck in her name, as the word Laksmi is related to the Latin word lux, which translates as light, from which the English word lucky later originated. 

Lucky people

In addition to countless objects and symbols, there are also some people who are said to bring good luck. 

Chimney sweeps:inside In earlier times, chimney sweeps protected people from soot fires and gas poisoning and thus ensured safety, so it is hardly surprising that they symbolically became lucky charms. In addition to the chimney sweeps, for example, in the Buddhism Monks Luck when they walk past you.

A chimney sweep for good luck.

Everywhere in the world there are little hints that luck is by your side, even if it is sometimes hidden and not symbolized in the form we know, every culture has its lucky charms.

Join us on your next trip TripLegend Look out for small objects and symbols that can stand for luck.

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