Coffee in Costa Rica: A unique journey to the coffee paradise

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Costa Rica, the land of breathtaking nature and rich coffee tradition! It is not for nothing that Costa Rican coffee is one of the best in the world. In this article we dive into the fascinating world of coffee in Costa Rica. From the picturesque coffee farms to the unique taste of coffee, explore the history and magic of black gold with us.

History of Costa Rican coffee

Coffee cultivation began in the 18th century, but initially almost only as an ornamental plant. The true potential of coffee was misjudged for the time being. The fact that the coffee bean came to Costa Rica at all is thanks to the English. Thanks to the fertile soils and the mild climate of the country, coffee flourished magnificently. In the area around the capital San José, the first coffee houses were opened starting in 1830. As early as 1843, the English captain William Le Lacheur began exporting coffee beans to the European market.

The new industry of coffee cultivation quickly made itself felt in Costa Rica. Some coffee barons gained considerable wealth as a result. In the following decades, the country consolidated and even expanded its position in the world coffee trade market. The favorable basic conditions in Costa Rica were further enhanced by fertile volcanic soils. In 1963, the Irazú volcano erupted, contributing to the creation of the fertile soil conditions. Since this eruption, no further volcanic eruption has occurred in Costa Rica.

The coffee industry in Costa Rica today provides a livelihood for more than 50,000 people. More than 90 percent of them are smallholders, who often cultivate plantations of less than five hectares.

Costa Rica coffee plantation

Coffee cultivation and processing in Costa Rica

In Costa Rica, the ideal growing conditions for coffee are found in the Central Valley. The plant thrives best at altitudes between 1200 and 1800 meters and temperatures between 15 and 28° C. They are grown on the slopes of the mountains, where they benefit from the rich soil and ideal climate. 

It is common that the coffee plants are first planted in growing beds, where they can thrive and develop roots for a year. Only then are the plants transplanted to the final plantation, where they continue to grow. The coffee cherries are picked by hand and then processed to extract the beans. They are then dried in the sun, sorted and roasted to obtain the delicious Costa Rican coffee. 

In Costa Rica, the coffee beans are known as "Grano de Oro". Usually the coffee cherries contain a double bean, but there are also single beans, known as "caracoli". 

Coffee cherries Costa Rica

Coffee taste

Due to the specific geographical location, Costa Rican beans have a unique flavor. The cooler, mountainous areas are ideal conditions for plants, as they grow more slowly there, resulting in a more subtle, spicy flavor. Costa Rican coffee is overall very mild and pleasant to drink. The complex structure and sweet aftertaste are particularly noteworthy.

The two most popular Coffee growing regions are:

  • Valle Central: spicy, low acidity, fruity
  • Tarrazú: fine-spicy, nutty, earthy, invigorating
Coffee preparation Costa Rica

Coffee tourism in Costa Rica

A variety of coffee farms offer coffee tours. On these tours you can learn more about coffee cultivation, see the plants and learn about the entire process from harvesting to roasting. 

Some popular plantations for coffee tours in Costa Rica are:

  • Dakota Estate: is one of the largest coffee and sugar cane plantations in Costa Rica.
  • Finca Rosa Blanca: the focus is on fair trade coffee.
  • Café Britt Plantation: is known for its coffee and chocolate.
Coffee In Costa Rica


Also Sustainability is becoming increasingly important. In Costa Rica, special attention is paid to the protection of the environment and groundwater despite the high cultivation volumes and modern technologies in the farms. Strict regulations ensure that no overexploitation is practiced.

Renewal of the plantations takes place in Costa Rica every 30 years by uprooting the plants. The wood of the coffee plant is highly sought after by traditional restaurants, as it is used for cooking with wood fires. It is also used for making paper, jewelry and souvenirs. After the pulp is separated from the beans, it can even be reused as fertilizer.

The cultivation of Robusta is prohibited by law in order to protect the important Arabica varieties such as Caturra, Typica and Villa from extinction. In addition, the government has established environmental regulations to protect nature and thus safeguard the future of the coffee sector.

Coffee beans

Coffee in Costa Rica 

The secret to a really good coffee lies not only in the quality of the beans, but also in the love and passion that goes into every cup. In Costa Rica we found both - beans of the highest quality, tended and harvested by hand. Visiting Costa Rica to experience coffee up close is an incredibly rewarding journey. When you travel to Costa Rica, you have the opportunity to experience the Beauty of the land to discover, enjoy its delicious coffee and experience the warmth of its people. 

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